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Software Development Career Coaching

Free to develop
a career of
your own

Feeling Stuck or Burnt Out in Your Tech Career? Let’s Reclaim Your Confidence and Get You Back on Track.

Whether you’re writing code, managing a team, ensuring quality, or designing products – the pressure to balance work with personal life can be overwhelming.

For over 25 years, I’ve worked in a variety of tech job roles in the software development industry. And for the last 5 years, I’ve offered tech career coaching. Through coaching, I’ve helped over 100 software professionals just like you navigate burnout, build sustainable a career, and balance work with family life.

If you’re serious about making a change, apply today to see if my coaching is a good fit for you.

I’ve Been Where You Are…

7 years ago, I burned out and lost everything. I was navigating the same challenges you’re facing now—balancing a demanding job while being a father, struggling to stay healthy and maintain family relationships. I rebuilt my software engineering career from the ground up. Today, I help tech professionals like you regain control, avoid burnout, and thrive both in their work and personal life.

It’s impossible to separate your career from the rest of your life. That’s why I don’t just focus on your work—I help you balance your family, health, and personal well-being alongside your career. After all, a successful career should support a fulfilling life, not overwhelm it.

Software Development Career Coach Jayme Edwards

Jayme Edwards
Tech Career Coach & Software Consultant
Host of the Thriving Technologist Show

How I Select Coaching Clients and Ensure Confidential Advocacy

I’m selective about the clients I work with to ensure we’re a good fit. After reviewing your application, I’ll only invite you to a consultation if I believe I can help. My tech career coaching offers a confidential space where you can openly share without fear of judgment or workplace politics. We’ll work together on strategies like accountability structures, mindset shifts, and role-playing difficult work situations to help you gain confidence.

Collaboration is when you and I work together closely to get you unstuck so you can keep growing as your tech career coach

Free Resources to Help You Navigate Tech Careers

Here’s a sample of the over 160 YouTube videos and podcast episodes I’ve made about working in the software industry in a healthy way.

A YouTube episode of the Thriving Technologist show that offers you strategies for overcoming feelings of being overwhelmed in your tech job
Get to the heart of what makes working in the tech industry so overwhelming – and how you can navigate it with ease.
A YouTube episode of the Thriving Technologist show where I share a set of steps you can follow to become a solo tech consultant
Avoid some of the pitfalls that software engineers and other tech professionals can fall into when they try to work for themselves.

Take the First Step Towards Clarity and Confidence

software development career coaching

I only work with a select number of clients who are a good fit for my coaching.

To get started, fill out a short application, and I’ll review it personally.

If I believe I can help, you’ll receive a link to book a consultation for $50.

Learn more about why I require a deposit for consultations.

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