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What Is DevOps REALLY About? (Hint: NOT CI/CD)

DevOps CI/CD

There's plenty of "fake news" from the software industry, so beware of the DevOps lie. In all the confusion - just follow the money to see why.

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There’s plenty of “fake news” from the software industry, so beware of the DevOps lie.

There’s a lot of confusion – just follow the money to see why.

In this video I help you discover the real answer to “what is DevOps?”, and why it may not be working for you.

Though automated deployment technologies, cloud infrastructure, and other “fun” tools are exciting to talk about…

…DevOps is really about getting people to work together.

I hope this episode helps you understand the core reason why DevOps came to be, and how it’s a subset of Continuous Delivery.

Though both of these terms ultimately seek to allow your company to release quicker (and more often) – I’ve seen them fail when gone about the wrong way.

You can help your company achieve the promises of DevOps by following the tips in this episode.

If you can help others answer the question “what is DevOps?” correctly – you can help your company achieve the cross-functional teamwork necessary.


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On YouTube and all major podcast networks, Jayme shares teamwork and leadership strategies, guidelines for healthy company culture, and stories about real projects so you can have a sustainable career in the software industry.

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Jayme Edwards

A family man and veteran of nearly 40 software projects, Jayme experienced many wins and losses over his career as an architect and consultant.

Now he's coaching software developers, managers, and business owners to overcome challenges in the IT industry - so they keep growing.
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