This Is Why Managers Don’t Trust Programmers…

Being a software engineer can cause us to do things we think the company wants - that actually hurt our reputation in the long run.
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How to Build Confidence in Your Software Development Career
If you’re a software engineer, you might think your main job is to write code. While that’s certainly important, it’s not the primary reason companies hire you. The truth is, companies are looking for much more than just coding skills—they want confidence.
In this article, I’ll share some hard-earned lessons about how to build and maintain that confidence. Confidence is key to getting recognized, rewarded, and ultimately advancing in your career. Let’s dive into some practical tips that can help you stand out in your organization.
Minimize Communicating Problems and Doubts
One of the first things I learned in my career is that constantly raising issues, no matter how valid, can actually damage the confidence others have in you. As developers, we’re often trained to identify and solve problems, but sharing too many issues at once can overwhelm people. It can make you seem like a “Debbie Downer” rather than a valuable problem solver.
Instead of broadcasting every issue you find, prioritize which problems are truly critical and share them one at a time. This approach prevents you from being perceived as overly negative and keeps the focus on resolving the most important challenges. It’s about being strategic with your communication—understanding that while identifying problems is crucial, how and when you communicate them can make a significant difference in how you’re perceived.
Use Management’s Language
Another powerful technique to build confidence is to mirror the language used by your management. When you’re in meetings or discussions, pay attention to the phrases and terms that management frequently uses. For example, if they constantly emphasize “satisfying the customer,” make sure you incorporate that phrase when discussing your work.
By echoing their language, you subconsciously align yourself with their goals and priorities. This simple adjustment in communication can make a huge impact, as it shows that you understand what’s important to them and that you’re on the same page. It’s a subtle way of building rapport and trust, which are essential for career progression.
Anonymize Blame on Dependencies
When things go wrong, it’s natural to want to point fingers, especially when the issue lies with another team or department. However, openly blaming others can erode the confidence people have in you. A better approach is to anonymize the blame when discussing issues related to dependencies.
Instead of saying, “The Ops team didn’t get this done,” you could say, “There are some issues with the operations environment that are preventing deployment.” This approach highlights the problem without directly blaming another person or team. It allows management to draw their own conclusions about who is responsible, avoiding any perception that you’re shifting blame or making excuses.
Reduce Your Throughput
It might seem counterintuitive, but sometimes the best way to build confidence is to commit to less. Software development is filled with uncertainties, from unexpected problems to unplanned meetings. By reducing the number of tasks you’re responsible for at any given time, you give yourself the flexibility to handle unforeseen issues without compromising your commitments.
When you take on too much, every unforeseen problem can make it seem like you’re not in control. But by committing to fewer tasks, you increase the likelihood of meeting your deadlines and maintaining a reputation for reliability. It’s not about doing less work—it’s about being smart with your workload to ensure consistent delivery.
Elevate and Praise Your Co-workers
Promotions and recognition often go to those who not only do great work but also help others shine. If you want to move ahead, make a habit of publicly recognizing the contributions of your co-workers. Whether in meetings, on Slack, or in emails, give credit where it’s due and highlight the accomplishments of your teammates.
This approach not only builds good will but also shows that you’re a team player who values collaboration. Management is more likely to promote someone who lifts others up rather than someone who only focuses on their own achievements. It’s a subtle but powerful way to build confidence in yourself as a leader and a team member.
Overcommunicate Status
One of the biggest frustrations for managers is not knowing where things stand. To build confidence, make it a habit to overcommunicate your progress. This doesn’t mean spamming your team with updates, but rather, providing regular, concise status reports, especially if you’re working on critical tasks.
A simple weekly email or document that outlines your progress, highlights any major issues, and sets expectations for the coming week can make a big difference. This proactive communication shows that you’re on top of your work and that you’re committed to keeping the project on track. It reassures management that they can trust you to deliver.
Highlight Shortcuts and Efficiency Gains
When you find a way to save time or resources on a project, don’t keep it to yourself. Highlight these efficiency gains in your updates or during meetings. For example, if you discover a tool or technique that reduces a task from a week to a day, share that success with your team.
This not only demonstrates your resourcefulness but also shows that you’re actively contributing to the project’s success. It’s important, however, to frame these gains in a way that emphasizes team success rather than personal achievement. Use language like “This saved us time” rather than “I saved time,” to foster a sense of collective accomplishment.
Document Verbal Decisions
In any project, there will be times when your advice isn’t followed, and things don’t go as planned. To protect yourself and build confidence in your decision-making, it’s crucial to document verbal decisions. After a meeting where important decisions were made, follow up with an email summarizing what was discussed and agreed upon.
This practice ensures there’s a written record of what was decided, which can be invaluable if issues arise later. It also demonstrates your attention to detail and your commitment to transparency, both of which can enhance how management perceives you.
Building and maintaining confidence in your role as a software developer goes beyond just writing good code. It’s about strategic communication, managing expectations, and being proactive in your interactions with management and your team. By following these tips, you can enhance the confidence others have in you, leading to greater recognition, rewards, and career advancement.
If you’re feeling frustrated with your current situation, consider whether implementing some of these strategies might help you break through to the next level. And remember, sometimes the best way to build confidence – is by helping others succeed.
On YouTube and all major podcast networks, Jayme shares teamwork and leadership strategies, guidelines for healthy company culture, and stories about real projects so you can have a sustainable career in the software industry.
Jayme Edwards
A family man and veteran of nearly 40 software projects, Jayme experienced many wins and losses over his career as an architect and consultant.
Now he's coaching software developers, managers, and business owners to overcome challenges in the IT industry - so they keep growing.