Spot A Fake Agile Team In Under 7 Minutes!

It's always been popular to tell people how they're "doing it wrong" and agile software development is just as easy to call "fake".
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It’s always been popular to tell people how they’re “doing it wrong” and agile software development is just as easy to call “fake”.
But in working with many teams who read these same articles, they still get lost in a sea of opinions and need a definitive answer.
So I made this short episode to help you spot fake agile teams in under 7 minutes.
With this information, you’ll know the truth, but may be disappointed with whether your project even benefits from agility.
There are really only two questions you need to ask!
By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to know in an interview whether the team you’re joining is agile, call B.S. on an agile coach who misses the point, and help the people on your team work together better.
On YouTube and all major podcast networks, Jayme shares teamwork and leadership strategies, guidelines for healthy company culture, and stories about real projects so you can have a sustainable career in the software industry.
Jayme Edwards
A family man and veteran of nearly 40 software projects, Jayme experienced many wins and losses over his career as an architect and consultant.
Now he's coaching software developers, managers, and business owners to overcome challenges in the IT industry - so they keep growing.